Terms of Use


By using the online counselling service of the Office for Women’s Pastoral Care at the German Bishops’ Conference, you agree to the following terms of use:

  1. Please check carefully whether you agree with these terms of use before utilising our service.
  2. Using the website is generally possible without disclosing personal information. Instructions for anonymous registration can be found at www.gegengewalt-inkirche.de/anonyme-anmeldung.
  3. The Office for Women’s Pastoral Care at the German Bishops’ Conference endeavours to meet your needs. We offer pastoral care, crisis intervention and support. We assume no legal liability for our information and advice, for whether and how you accept and implement the same.Contacting us via the counselling internet portal Tau-Work-Together of the Office for Women’s Pastoral Care at the German Bishops’ Conference obliges us to confidential, personal counselling.
  4. The team of the counselling platform of the Office for Women’s Pastoral Care at the German Bishops’ Conference commits itself to discretion: data and contents shared by the users will be treated confidentially.
  5. In order to grant you transparent access to your counselling correspondence at any time, your data and documents will only be deleted when your counsellor regards your case as finally closed. When finalizing the counselling, the purpose for processing your data also expires according to § 19 1 a) KDG.
  6. You also have the option to delete your account including name, password and all digital correspondence irrevocably and permanently at any time via a button in your profile. The deletion process cannot be reversed.
  7. By accepting the terms of use, you undertake to treat the contents and details of the actual counselling process confidentially. You will neither pass any of the information on to third parties outside your private sphere nor publish it. The written contact is subject to the secrecy of correspondence.
    The use of online counselling is generally anonymous, provided that the users employ an anonymous user name (pseudonym) and a password when registering. If you contact us, all associated personal data as well as your email address will be used exclusively for corresponding with you. Other technical data that is collected while establishing a connection (e.g. your IP address) is anonymised/deleted immediately with the disconnection. Cookies are not used.
  8. When using the online counselling service, please choose a secure password and user name when registering. If you wish to participate anonymously, please use a pseudonym. Information on anonymous registration and secure password can be found here: www.gegengewalt-inkirche.de/anonymous-registration.
  9. All staff members who are involved in this offer of our counselling services have committed themselves in writing to confidentiality and data protection. Online counselling is complemented through professional and supervisory support. When a specific case will be discussed within a supervison group, all relevant data will be kept anonymous.
  10. The Office for Women’s Pastoral Care at the German Bishops’ Conference ensures the appropriate qualification of the counselling team. Should you not be satisfied with the respective support or should technical problems affect the counselling, please send us an email to feedback@frauenseelsorge.de. Please, feel free to use an anonymous email address here as well.
  11. The Office for Women’s Pastoral Care at the German Bishops’ Conference accepts no responsibility for the actions of those seeking advice. In the case of important legal, medical, psychological, economic and other serious situations, other counselling services should therefore always be consulted as well.
    The team of the counselling platform of the Office for Women’s Pastoral Care at the German Bishops’ Conference works on the basis of professional standards. Liability claims against those responsible at the Office for Women’s Pastoral Care at the German Bishops’ Conference and its counsellors employed which relate to material or immaterial damage caused by the transmitted counselling contents, its use or non-use, are excluded, to the extent that the counsellors employed cannot be blamed of intentional or grossly negligent misconduct with regard to obligations specified in these terms of use.
  12. The Office for Women’s Pastoral Care at the German Bishops’ Conference is not liable for technical problems such as a server failure, disruptions or failure of telecommunication connections and comparable incidents, which lead to a (temporary) unavailability of the mail counselling service as a whole or of individual sections thereof.
  13. In acute crisis situations, we recommend the direct contact with psychosocial services. You can also use the following free-of-charge services: http://www.hilfetelefon.de (different languages available) or TelefonSeelsorge® Deutschland | Sorgen kann man teilen, 0800/1110111 – 0800/1110222 – 116123 (in German).
  14. We reserve the right, in the event of serious violations of our terms of use and in the event of unauthorised access or attempted access to our servers, to use selective data records to derive data as to the person responsible for the attack. This is done with the help of server log files that for example record the IP address and allow an inference as to the person. We reserve the right to take legal steps in such cases.